Category: Paratyphoid
Paratyphoid is a deadly disease caused by a very specific bacterium called Salmonella Typhymurium var Copenhagen. Paratyphoid may affect pigeons of all ages and is a true carrier disease.
Paratyphoid may cause many different disease symptoms depending on which organ is affected. It normally starts off with an enteritis that then progresses to infections of the liver, brain, joints and even the ovaries. Typical symptoms include swollen joints, infertility and death of babies or embryos in the eggs. In some cases, hens may be sub-clinical carriers that infect their youngsters.
Identification of carrier pigeons and the correct treatment of them combined with correct vaccination is the mainstay in the prevention of this dreaded disease. Extended antibiotic treatment for at least 10 days combined with pigeon specific intestinal immune stimulants is the method of choice treating Paratyphoid. A broad spectrum compounded antibiotic combination that combines Chloramphenicol, Furaltadone, and Amoxycillin has been shown to be the most effective in treating Paratyphoid. High dose extended treatment with Quinalone antibiotics may also be successful but may cause infertility in cocks. Treatment should always be followed up by vaccination with an effective inactivated paratyphoid vaccine (preferable with the same strain as the one causing the disease). It is mandatory to vaccinate with a booster 10 – 14 days after first vaccination.
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4 in 1 – 100 tablets
Minerals & Vitamins
Entromune – 400g
Candidiasis (Thrush)
Gel – 400g
Dr. Ockert Botha's Prescription-Only & Specialised Export Products
Typhoid Cure – 100g