
Category: Young Bird Disease

Young Bird Disease (YBD) is a devastating disease normally affecting pigeons younger than 10 months. It is caused by a combination of viruses and bacteria but is always initiated by Circo-Virus infection.

YBD starts off with babies becoming listless and losing their appetite. They soon start vomiting and soon afterwards they stool become loose. The disease progresses to a severe gastroenteritis with very bad foul-smelling diarrhoea. Pigeons become very emaciated and up to 20% may die. YBD wipes out the bird’s immune system and secondary infections such as E. coli, Salmonella and Trichomoniasis is common. In the mild form only, the immunity is affected and these pigeons respond poorly to vaccination or preventative treatment whilst often getting lost on training tosses. Pigeons not dying from YBD will recover fully if treated correctly.

Isolation and disinfection are the most important factors to be followed during the outbreak. Sick babies must be isolated in a separate loft. Strict cage rest in a darkened loft should be enforced for at least 7 days. The combination of scientifically proven natural immune stimulants and anti-viral herbs combined with the safest and most effective antibiotic combination, has been shown to be extremely effective in reducing mortality and enhancing recovery during outbreaks. At the first signs of disease pigeons should be placed on such a combination product containing the correct and scientifically proven immune stimulants combined with high dose Amoxicillin and Colistin. It is imperative that such a product be given over the food, as this will increase the contact time with the active ingredients. To further enhance with minor amino acids as well as a specific Mega vitamin combination of Vitamin C and E may be added to the drinking water.

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